Combined preventive and therapeutic supplement

Adenosine Triphosphate Acid 0.1%, Potassium Aspartate 1%, Magnesium Aspartate 1.5%, Glycine 10%, Sodium Selenite 10% (45 g of Selenium), Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 0.05%.

Indications: Adjuvant in the recovery of muscular mass, in cases such as: Overtraining syndrome, asthenia, tying up, myositis, myoglobinuria.

Dosage: Preventive or maintenance: 10 ml in series of 5 to 10 applications. Curative: 20 ml in series of 10 applications. Interval between doses: 24 or 48 hours.

Administration route: Intravenous route.

Presentation: 100 ml vial.

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