Full Hepat

Full Hepat

Dietary supplement - Cholagogue and choleretic

Formula: Each tablet contains: Ursodeoxycholic acid 50 mg, Silymarin 50 mg, Excipients q.s.1 tablet.

Indications: Indicated in cases where is necessary to improve food digestion, mainly those rich in fats. It favors the liver function by protecting hepatocyte integrity due to its antioxidant properties. It can also be used in cases where liver function is compromised, indigestion, obese animals, and in animals that present fat metabolism biochemical parameters.

Dosage: Cats: Half tablet up to 5 kg bw, daily. Dogs: 1 tablet every 10 kg bw, daily. we suggest to supply along with food.

Administration: Oral.

Presentation: Premiun box with 30 tablets.


29 June 2021


Companion Animals