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External antiparasitic - Anti myiasis - Antimicrobial

Each 267 g spray contains: Fipronil 1.372 g; Chlorhexidine Acetate 0.17 g. Vehicle with citronella, aluminum paste and propellant.

Indications: Prevention and treatment of myiasis in domestic animals. It has residual action, prevents reinfestation and bacterial secondary contamination due to its antiseptic activity.

Dosage, interval between doses and treat-ment duration: Spray at a distance of 10 cm from the affectedarea, and in enough quantity to cover the wound or myiasis, and approximately 5 cm around it. Interval between doses: In treatment: Repeat every 24 hours until the total elimination of the parasites and wound healing. In prevention: It can be administered as single dose or can be repeated every 24 hours, until wound healing (recommended in summer times).

Administration: External application (topical).

Presentation: 267 g spray.

• The only one with citronella (repellent).
• Fipronil ensures long duration.